In high school, I was Amber’s shadow, always following her wherever she went. Once, as we walked down the hall together, I overheard a teacher say, “I hope my girls are like that when they get older.” I know the teacher didn’t know I heard it, but even then, like now, it made me smile.
I still follow her around, and ask for her advice a ton, especially about being a mom. She’s a wonderful daughter, sister, mom, and wife! Not to mention she’s such a wonderful built-in best friend for me. I don’t tell her enough how much I love her. I love you, Amber! :)
Yesterday, while I was at my parent’s house visiting, I noticed how pretty the light was as the sun hung low in the sky. Thankfully, I had my camera, so while Mom watched Graham and Kody, Amber’s son, I pulled Amber outside for some must-have photos in the pretty evening light. And plus, having these images allowed me to get all mushy-gushy about having such a great sister. ;) Here are a few images of my beautiful sister who has the best hair!