Yesterday Graham turned SIX months old. Where did my little nine pound baby go!?! It seems like yesterday we were in the hospital anticipating his arrival. Oh, who am I kidding, it seems like yesterday we found out we were expecting him! Time really does fly when a little baby steals your heart. Oh, who am I kidding, I freely gave it to him the minute I saw him! ;)
This little sweet joy. Such a little lovey dovey smiley boy. I couldn’t have dreamed up a better baby for us. He’s spunky, fierce, LOUD!, smiley, cuddly, and easy going. It’s so sweet to watch him grow and change. Just yesterday, I showed him what a ‘high five’ was and he thought it was the funniest thing ever.
When my doctor laid him on my chest I said, “Oh what pretty ears you have!” because he was facing away from me. It is so funny to me that that’s what I said first. Or at least that’s what I remember saying first! I also said “You are my baby!” a lot, according to my friend Jac who took birth images for us. LOL! I kind of remember that part since she mentioned it, but it was such a surreal event because I had been anticipating that moment for a while. One minute he wasn’t here, and the next he was alive, flailing around, and crying. Life changing for sure. :)
I am so thankful for the ability to take quality images of Graham as he grows up. Here are a few images from his first six months.I love this little teddy Graham so much.
Four day old hands & feet:
Six Days Old:
1 week:
His expressions are the best:
12 days old meeting his great grandmothers for the first time while his Grandmommy showed him off:
1 Month Old:
2 Months Old:
Halloween as a Giraffe:
3 Months Old:
4 Months Old:
New Years Eve 2014:
5 Months Old:
6 Months Old:
I hope you have a great Saturday! Graham is currently napping and so I’m editing photos of him… A.K.A. thinking about him while he sleeps! I don’t think of much else these days… ha! ;) The New Mommy-ness hasn’t wore off yet!