I haven’t been consistently blogging because a lot has happened the last few months. It seems like yesterday it was May! I can’t even believe it’s almost August!
So, about the new house… if you have been following me on Facebook, you know that we actually didn’t end up with this house.
On May 14th, we found out that the appraisal for that house came in below the sale price. Since we could, we made the decision to back out of the contract. We had such a difficult time with the sellers of that house during inspection negotiations, (and we almost walked then) that we decided to forgo another round of negotiations and find another house. Another unforeseen circumstance happened the week before May 14th: Rick got offered a new job. While that was so exciting and we couldn’t have been more thrilled, that first house was located forty minutes from the new job. We decided, (before May 14th) even with the long commute for Rick, to move forward with the first house, but then after the appraisal came in, we felt like we weren’t meant to have that house.
So, that Friday, May 17th, I went house hunting again – in an entirely different area than we had looked at before. Rick and I both went house hunting that Saturday and Sunday, as well as that Wednesday, the 22nd. We put an offer in on Thursday morning and our offer was accepted on that afternoon. It was exhausting, but efficient; we knew what we really wanted this go round. Our realtor worked her magic and it was crazy that we had a new house in a little over a week when the first took a long, long time to find. Whew, I’m tired just thinking back on it all!
Thankfully, the sellers of this house were much more reasonable and easier to work with, so it was a faster, easier process. (Well, except for a mini heart attack from the underwriters saying we couldn’t close – on the day we were supposed to close! It all worked out, thanks to our lender and realtor, though. ;) )
I didn’t blog about any of this because 1) We didn’t want to jinx it with this new house. 2) Rick’s new job played a factor in it and we weren’t telling many people until June. 3) With wedding season in full swing, I really didn’t have time! As exhausting and overwhelming as it all felt then, those days seem to blur together now. Crazy how that works!
Would you like to see a photo of our new house?!
Here she is in all her gorgeousness!
It has been exactly a month since we moved in. We closed on June 21st, and then moved that following Monday (the 24th) because I had a wedding on the 22nd. It was a busy weekend, that’s for sure! I am so happy to be here. I have to keep reminding myself that I can turn the TV up as loud as I want, and I can sing as loud as I want, without having to worry about neighbors on the other side of the wall. It is so much fun not living in a townhouse! :) And, I LOVE our neighborhood so much more than the first house’s neighborhood. I am thankful for all the bumps in the road that lead us to this house. Everything definitely happens for a reason!
After we decorate some more, and I clear out my cluttered office, I will post some more images, but enjoy these iPhone snapshots for now!
The afternoon we closed on our house! I love Rick’s smile and the sky:
The evening after we closed:
Lexi is for sure enjoying the new house:
Yes, I just realized how many Lexi photos I just posted, but here’s a few more. ;)
Our realtor bought us some housewarming flowers!!! Love them!
Our neighbors provided epic fireworks during the 4th of July weekend:
I hung some photos and changed out the lamp shades on the dining room chandelier:
Our new bed! Love it!
New dining room table and night stand. And Lexi, trying to attack my feet from under the guest bed. :)
I love the neighborhood pool!
That’s all for now. As you can see, Lexi adjusted well. ;) We love our house and are so thankful this worked out. We are blessed for sure!
Thanks so much for stopping by. :) I hope you have a fabulous day!