Bethany Ann Photography – Nashville, Tennessee Wedding & Portrait Photographer » Southern Weddings & Portraits


And no, this is NOT an April Fool’s joke. I wouldn’t joke about something so serious!

When we started out, I was BEYOND hopeful and eager. After losing the first house, I felt defeated. A little while after that, I just wanted it to be over! I wanted to have a house, and stop searching every hour for new listings and/or checking my e-mail for new listings sent from my realtor. I was fed up. And a little bratty, too.

Rick went house hunting on Saturday, March 23rd, while I photographed a wedding. I was hopeful he would find something. He didn’t.

However, our realtor had sent us a listing online the day before, Friday, March 22nd, of a house she thought we would like. She couldn’t get Rick in to see it on that Saturday, so the next day, Sunday March 24th, we both went house hunting once more.

She lined up four places; one townhouse Rick saw the day before, and three houses neither of us had seen. The last house on the list to see was the one she sent us on Friday.

We saw the townhouse first, and while Rick loved it, I wasn’t feeling it… like at ALL. Again, I was a bit bratty.

The next two houses needed some work done to them and just weren’t right. I think, at that point, Rick was tired and just wanted to pick one, and said “I think we could make either of these work.” I was still bratty, and I wasn’t having that either, so I said, “Um, no, I don’t want to live in either of those.”

Which brings us to the house we really wanted to see.

As soon as we walked in, actually, when we pulled in the driveway, Rick said:

“I love it already!”

Still in a mood, I said, “Okay, honey, let’s see the inside first before we decide.”

When we went inside, every two minutes Rick kept saying, “I love it!”

Now, this is unusual. I’m usually the one to fall in love & vocalize it, over and over.

So, I kept telling Rick, “I like it too, honey, let’s see the rest of the house before we make a decision.”

And after we saw EVERYTHING, I knew it was the one. I loved it, too.

We put an offer in Monday, and then accepted the seller’s counter offer on Tuesday. I didn’t want to jinx anything, so I waited until after the inspection last Friday to really celebrate! Woo Hoo!

Mom and Dad came to see the house Friday at the end of the inspection and they loved it too. Then we all went to Stoney River and indulged ourselves. I was so full I was miserable… but it was SO worth it! ;)

And if you’ve read this far, I think it’s only fair to show you what it looks like. This is a photo from the listing. (I didn’t take it):

I’ll share some of the insides after we close. We are closing on May 31st – which seems SO FAR AWAY – but it’s already April, so it’s just next month. ;) I can’t wait to move in!

Have a Happy April Fool’s Day!




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  • Chris Sexton

    I gotta side with Rick 100% on this one, but judging by this picture, you 2’s future place has some serious curb appeal! I can’t wait to see more pictures.

  • […] So, I am MORE THAN ANXIOUS to move out of townhouse living now. We obviously have neighbors who don’t have common sense, as well as terrible landlords. Plus, we have a beauty of a house waiting on us. I’ll see ya on May 31st, sweet house. :) […]

  • […] closing, packing, moving, and unpacking. It has been a crazy, insane, interesting ride since my last blog about the house hunt. I will definitely fill you all in soon. But now, I want to dive back into blogging about weddings. […]

  • […] So, about the new house… if you have been following me on Facebook, you know that we actually didn’t end up with this house. […]

After assisting and directing during the majority of a wedding day, it’s nice to be an observer during a reception. I love to just watch what happens and capture moments that (hopefully) my couples are blissfully unaware of. At Dani & Philip’s wedding last Saturday, I had the joy of capturing a few of my favorite candid images ever!

I like to joke that I am a bride stalker. I like to see what the bride is doing, and I’m always looking for her in a room. And, well, I like to follow her around too! Brides are just so darn pretty! ;) So, as I was photographing Dani talking to Philip’s grandmother’s from one side of the room, which is the image on the left, I decided to walk around the room to capture it from another angle. In the time it took me to walk around the table to the other side, Dani had turned around providing a different fun image of her sitting in her chair with the best sign ever:

Then, I lifted my camera up and saw one of Philip’s grandmothers admiring his wedding band, the left image. I stepped back a bit, and not even two seconds later, both of his grandmothers were admiring Dani’s rings as well. I live for these moments at weddings! They are ones that I know Dani & Philip will cherish for many years to come:  And because sparklers are fun: 

Have a great day! :)



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Just by talking to Haley on the phone I knew we would get along great. When we met a few months after the initial phone call and booking for her engagement session with Kyle, my assumption was correct; we were instantly chatting about everything: life, weddings, our fur-babies, how they met. I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I really love this digital world where we people can get to know each other without having ever met in person!

Without a doubt, Haley & Kyle were meant to be together. They compliment and support one another, while remaining committed to sharing a life together. I love how bubbly and endearing Haley is, and how Kyle is a cool up-for-anything guy. The session lasted a bit longer than we all expected, just because it was so nice getting to know them!

We went to the new Clarksville Marina on a Saturday that was supposed to be sunny and super hot for March. However, March’s weather surprised us with a bit of a chill in the air, and a few clouds overhead. I actually preferred the clouds so I was able to take them anywhere around the marina, but I was not a fan of the chill. Luckily, Haley & Kyle didn’t seem to notice; they cuddled up to one another and had a great time! We also didn’t let a few sprinkles ruin our fun; when they started falling, we just had a quick change of scenery to downtown Clarksville. :)

Thank you, Haley & Kyle, for being AWESOME! I can’t wait for your wedding!

I think these next few are my favorites:  So fun: 

I loved her dress: 

A little fun in the parking garage:

See a few more on their slideshow:

Have a great day,




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  • Haley

    Omg I love it!! Hehe. I loved meeting you as well, you’re pretty fabulous if you ask me! I can’t wait to publish it on Facebook. I’m goin hard for the 50+ comments!!

  • Brittney Honeycutt

    Beautiful! :)

  • Ashley


  • Alex

    Sweet pix.

  • Adkins

    Y’all are so cute!

  • Ashley Baggett

    Excellant pictures!!!

  • Kyle Baggett

    Good job!

  • Mitzi

    Beautiful pictures!!!!

  • Leonard W. Yandle

    Excellent photography. Work hard and be happy!

  • Lindsey Ingham

    Stunning pictures! Love y’all!

  • Kim

    Haley you look beautiful in these pictures and you favor your mom so much!

  • Tammy Edwards

    Love these pictures , the best I’ve seen