Bethany Ann Photography – Nashville, Tennessee Wedding & Portrait Photographer » Southern Weddings & Portraits

My last Impressions post was in NOVEMBER. What?! It’s nearly April now. Craziness! So, with a few days left in March, here’s a little recap of my March:

The Good:

  • I started March off with a lovely engagement session with Haley & Kyle. I will share more from their session this week but here’s an image I love:

  • The House Hunt was a little crazy this last week, but hopefully I will have some great news to share in the next week. I don’t want to get my hopes too high, since the last house fell through, but we may have a house, like for real! I can’t wait!
  • My Papaw turns 80 on Thursday and then my nephew turns 10 on Sunday! Exciting! When I bought their birthday cards at Hallmark, the lady remarked on the age difference. It’s fantastic! :)
  • I’ve never had a March wedding before, but I had two this year. I already teased a photo from Courtney & Joe’s wedding here, and stay tuned for a few images from Dani & Keep’s wedding this past weekend.
  • I bought the best screen protector ever for my phone. It doubles as a mirror when you have the phone locked, and it was so easy to put on my phone. It’s the little things that excite me the most. :)

The Bad:

  • UK didn’t make the NCAA tournament. Not only that, they lost their first game at the NIT. It was sad, but I’m still a fan! Even though we would like to win them all, I know that’s not possible. Here’s to next year!
  • This weather + my sinuses = sore throat and runny nose. I’ve never had such a bad runny nose at a wedding like I did on Saturday. It was a bit embarrassing! I’m still feeling a bit under-the-weather today, but I’m hopeful I will feel better tomorrow. :)
  • Our landlords. Technically, we haven’t liked them since about two months after we moved in. They are just not nice people, in addition to being terrible and rude landlords. Unfortunately, we didn’t know this until after we signed a lease. So, last week, I warned this couple about our terrible landlords when I saw them outside contemplating signing a lease. And guess what? They are still going to move in! Ah, good luck new neighbors, good luck. I can’t wait to move out!

Have a great rest of the day!

See more Impressions by CLICKING HERE.



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  • […] rent a townhouse now, and I think I told you about the neighbors that moved in. Well, a few nights ago they decided to hang photos around 8:30 one night. (The wall we share has […]

Thank goodness all of the cold and stormy weather held off until today. It was supposed to storm on Saturday, Courtney & Joe’s Wedding Day, but thankfully, it didn’t. I posted this image on my Facebook page yesterday, but I love it so much I wanted to post it here too:

As you may know, I’ve been searching for a our first house. Last week, I did find one I like, but we still aren’t sure if it’s the one, so I’m going to look tomorrow. Looking at houses is exhausting! I didn’t expect to be so worn out, and just generally stressed about it. I really hope tomorrow is the day. :)

And to brighten your rainy Monday, here’s another sneak peek from this weekend’s wedding:

Have a great Monday!



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My friend and I were talking about a wedding she attended recently in regards to the photography. With permission, this is her quote:

“I went to the most amazingly gorgeous wedding recently (it had to cost them a fortune). And during the wedding, the photographer used her flash in a way I knew was going to yield terrible results… I turned to my husband and told him that I thought their photos were going to turn out terrible. Sure enough, the ‘professional photographer’ posted the sneak peeks tonight and they are horrendous!!! You’d think they spent a total of $2,000 on this wedding, not the $25,000 that I estimate they did!!!!”

Photography can really make or break the memories of your wedding.

When you look back on your wedding through the photographs, you want the images to transform you into being there on that special day. You don’t want the images to depress you.

Think of it this way: if you spend $5,000 on flowers, but only invest $500 on photography, the $5,000 flowers are going to look like $50 flowers – no joke. I’ve seen it happen. And you know you’ve seen it happen too. Don’t let it be your wedding where you (and your guests!) have such a great memory of the entire day and then, upon seeing the images, immediately feel nauseous.

I’ll say it again: Photography can really make or break the memories of your wedding.



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